Maneuvering in poor visibility

Published research

An embedded multiple-case study of ecosystem creation

This project explains how the creation of a novel ecosystem, based on a generative enabler technology, is a systemic process driven by coupled feedback loops which organizations must control dynamically. My coauthors and I investigated the creation of four novel ecosystems by two global firms (information technologies and telecom).


Innovation ecosystems are increasingly regarded as important vehicles to create and capture value from complex value propositions. While current literature assumes these value propositions can be known ex ante and an appropriate ecosystem design derived from them, we focus on generative technological innovations that enable an unbounded range of potential value propositions, hence offering no clear guidance to firms. To illustrate our arguments, we inductively study two organizations, each attempting to create two novel ecosystems around new technological enablers deep in their industry architecture. We highlight how ecosystem creation in such conditions is a systemic process driven by coupled feedback loops, which organizations must try to control dynamically: firms first make the switch to creating the ecosystem, following an external pull to narrow down the range of potential applications; then need to learn to keep up with ecosystem dynamics by roadmapping and preempting, while simultaneously enacting resonance. Dynamic control further entails counteracting the drifting away of the nascent ecosystem from the firm’s idea of future value creation and the sliding of its intended control points for value capture. Our findings shed new light on strategy and control in emerging ecosystems, and provide guidance to managers on playing the ecosystem game.

This research project was conducted in collaboration with:

Oliver Alexy (Technische Universität München)
Erkko Autio (Imperial College London)

“Creating novel ecosystems from generative technological inventions, deeply embedded into an industry architecture, is a directed process in which firm orchestrate the crystallization of an increasingly clearer envisioned blueprint.”

Book chapter

This research also led to a book chapter:

Dattée, B. (2018) . Chapitre 11. Simultanéité de la vision et de la mise en œuvre des projets stratégiques Résonance et contrôle dynamique. Dans Durand, T. et Shimada, S. (dir.), Les processus stratégiques Comment les organisations élaborent leurs stratégies. ( p. 108 -121 ). EMS Éditions.